# PL

# tutorials

functor, applicative, monad

# compare

Scala JS TypeScript Python Golang Rust Array Variant

---|---|---|---|---|--- String Literal | s"($x, $y)" | override method | override def toString: String = | private mem | private var _x = 0 private val bound = 100 | Getter/Setter | def x = _x/def x_= (newValue: Int): Unit = {} | trait/interface |trait Iterator[A] { def next(): A } | tuple | val ingredient = ("Sugar" , 25) | Pattern matching | val (name, quantity) = ingredient | Mixins | class D extends Class_B with trait_C partial application| def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B


# Erlang

3 errors: try catch, process dies, undefined functions.

link(pid), monitor(M, F, Args)

spawn(M, F, [a1, a2...])

// distributed spawn
Pid = spawn(N, Mod, Func, Arglist)

  msg1 ->
  msg2 ->

Pid ! msg

# Dafny


no runtime error

forall k: int :: 0 <= k < a.Length ==> 0 < a[k]

pre-condition: requires post-condition: ensures

# swift


# Golang

memory efficient

Golang benchmark

aviod errors

errors are values



# library



# POPL - Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages



# programming language

programming language must be

  1. Unambiguous

  2. Implementable

  3. Turing complete

what is desirable property?

  1. Readability or clarity

  2. conciseness

  3. Math foundation

# low-level PL

has features reflect underlying hardware.

memory location, addresses; jumps

# high-level PL

has model of computation

  • functional language, math functions

  • logic language, first order and predicate logic

modifiable variables, pointers, goto, loop

# PL category

  • Imperative: C/C++/Ada/more

    • variable denote memory locations

    • execution proceeds by repeating modify memory locations

    • program tell the computer how tot perform the computation

  • Declarative: Functional/Logic

    • variables represent values, like in math

    • no need for loop

    • describe what to be computed

# syntax

rules governing the use fo symbols

  • chars, words(names, keywords, etc.) sentences, function, statements, loops, expression

# semantics

give meaning to syntaticly valid program

  • static semantic define use of types.

  • dynamic semantics, define what computation the computer will perform for each valid system.

# compiler

translate a program from one PL to another PL

# interpreter

execute program, output is the result.

# compiler

  1. lexical analysis - lexing

forms sequences of characters into words(tokens)

  1. syntatic analysis - parsing

forms sequences fo words to sentences(expressions, statements, functions)

  1. Type checking

  2. code generation

  3. optimization

# grammars

  • regular expression, form char into words, cannot express nesting

    • alternation

    • concatenation

    • keleene star *

  • context free grammer, form words to sentences

    • Productions, substitution rules

    • nonterminals (symbols)

    • terminals (tokens consisting of the characters of an alphabet)

    • start symbols (start non-terminals)

Non-terminals goes to terminals and/or non-terminals, . Derivation starts with the start non-terminals and repleatly applies rules from the CFG, replacing non-terminal with right hand side of the rule, until a string of only terminal remians.

# Scoping

  • rules governing the association betweens names and things(var, type, functions, etc.)

  • the portion of the program in which the name is visible

# Block

syntatic construct for defining the scope of a language

in Block structured language, block(including functions) can be nested

# Turing machine

  • tape

  • symbole

  • head

  • states

given symbol and state, give an action(left, right, still), write a symbol, and get a new state.

# Universal Turing machine

Given T, I, UTM can emulate he behavior of T, I.

# parameter passing

  • call by name
  • call by value
  • call by reference
  • call by value result

# JavaScript

# CJK regexp



(function (root, factory) {
  if (typeof exports === 'object') {
    // CommonJS
    module.exports = factory(require('b'));
  } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    // AMD
    define(['b'], function (b) {
      return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory(b));
  } else {
    // Global Variables
    root.returnExportsGlobal = factory(root.b);
}(this, function (b) {
  // Your actual module
  return {};




-std=c++11: Enables C++11 support
-g: Produces debugging information in the OS's native format.
-ggdb: Produces debugging information specifically intended for gdb.
-O0: Optimize option that reduces compilation time and makes debugging more reliable.
-O3: Increases both the compilation time and the performance of the generated code. Use this when running benchmarks.
-Wall: Generate helpful warnings. Do not ignore them! In fact, force yourself to deal with warnings by handling them as errors with the -Werror compiler flag.

# unique ptr


# cpp style guide

google cpp style guide

# cmake

Introduction to CMake



# We have scroll bars in the year 2015!
set pagination off

# Attach to both parent and child on fork
set detach-on-fork off

# Stop/resume all processes
set schedule-multiple on

# Usually don't care about these signals
handle SIGUSR1 noprint nostop
handle SIGUSR2 noprint nostop

# Ugly hack so we don't break on process exit
python gdb.events.exited.connect(lambda x: [gdb.execute('inferior 1'), gdb.post_event(lambda: gdb.execute('continue'))])

# ASI hazard, Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI)

methods in OOP are invoked like this: x.printVar() => A.printVar(x)

Mangling in python

# super return tricks

due to mutable prototype chains, we don't have all of that information about an object which doesn't throw from a call to G.prototype.checkG.call(obj)

class F { #f; checkF() { this.#f; } }
class G extends F { #g; checkG() { this.#g; } }

let obj = { };
Object.setPrototypeOf(G, class { constructor() { return obj; });
new G;
Object.setPrototypeOf(G, F);
G.prototype.checkG.call(obj);  // doesn't throw
F.prototype.checkF.call(obj);  // throws

// polyfill
Object.setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (obj, proto) {
  obj.__proto__ = proto;
  return obj;


Optional project: Implement the abstract interpreter and try it for the parity abstract domain. We provide

the lexer (lexer.mll),

the parser (parser.mly),

the construction of the abstract syntax tree for expressions (abstractSyntaxExpressions.ml) and programs (abstractTree.mli abstractTree.ml),

the labelling and primitives of the abstract syntax (abstractSyntax.ml),

the interface to the abstract domain (abstractDomain.mli),

the printing of labelled programs (printer.ml),

an implementation of the parity abstract domain (abstractDomainParity.ml) in OCaml.

It remains to design the abstract interpreter (abstractInterpreter.ml). By creating a symbolic link of abstractDomain.ml to abstractDomainParity.ml, the abstract interpreter is instantiated to parity analysis. See typescript for examples. All these files are compressed in a .tgz or .zip.


  • Functor lifts or upgrades a function, allowing it to operate on a single effect, leaving the effect intact after it’s done. It requires a lawful map definition.
  • Applicative functor builds on or generalizes functor, allowing you to sequence multiple independent effects. It requires a lawful pure and apply definition.
  • Monad builds on or generalizes applicative functor, allowing you to sequence independent and/or dependent effects. It requires a lawful join definition.

# OCaml
